Longtime readers of this blog will know that in the summer months I only tend to watch Science Fiction films.

The main reason for this is that I spend the entirety of the Autumn months celebrating Halloween, which means I tend to watch nothing but horror movies from September through to mid-November. Not wanting to get all "horrored out" before the big event, this means I tend to avoid horror films like the plague for three whole months beforehand, hence my reason for devoting Summer to sci-fi films.

What this means for the blog is that from now to September I'm going full on sci-fi. That's right - three months of alien invasions, future dystopias and wrong science lie ahead of us.

You've probably noticed that over the past couple of weeks I've been churning out lots of Doctor Who related stuff and reviewing the new series. Don't worry - this isn't about to turn into a Who-only blog. I'm a big, lifelong fan of the show but I do realise its not to everybody's taste (the new series seems to be especially divisive), so I am going to be cutting back on the Doctor Who stuff for a while. Besides theres much, much more variety in the sci-fi genre than the good old Doctor alone can provide us with as we shall see...

So, that being said strap yourselves in for a three month ride through the outer reaches of the universe. 

I now declare the Summer Of Sci-fi 2024 officially open (and yeah, I know we're still a few days away from the start of June but the Sun's out here in Norfolk so thats as good an excuse as any for me...)


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