As a companion piece to yesterday's Bonfire related shenanigans here's a tale of fiery fear plucked from the pages of Black Magic # 15, August 1952.
It tells the tale of an arsonist who gets himself burnt by a dose of karmic justice. I would mention the ending but...ahem...just read the story first. Suffice it to say theres NO WAY on Earth it would get printed today...
So...THAT ending...lets just say- it is what it is - a product of it's time and leave it at that. As a horror fan I'm against censorship (or "cultural cancelling" as it's now called) of any kind. Sometimes I think its better to present problematic material as it stands and let the audience make up thier own minds, to trust thier intelligence to make informed decisions rather than tell them whats right or wrong. Also, what better way to avoid the mistakes of the past than to show them - unfiltered - for what they are. Otherwise people forget and those mistakes are just doomed to be repeated.
Anyway, that's about as deep as I want to wade into that particular stretch of water, join me again over the next few days as I've got a brace of new reviews and articles just waiting to hit the screen. See you then.
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